General Assembly: Forty Fourth Session

GAPSA’s General Assembly (GA) convenes on a fortnightly basis from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The meeting is preceded by the meetings of the three student councils from 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM, unless specified otherwise.

Meeting Dates, Agendas, and minutes

Relevant documents sent to the GA reps at GA each meeting can be found at the end of this page.

September 14, 2022:
Welcome to the GA
Gittis Hall 2
Agenda / Minutes

September 28, 2022:
Budget Presentation
Gittis Hall 214
Agenda / Minutes

October 12, 2022:
Gittis Hall 2
Agenda / Minutes

October 26, 2022:
Wharton JMHH 365
Agenda / Minutes

November 9, 2022:
Wharton JMHH 365
Agenda / Minutes

December 7, 2022:
November 30, 2022:

Special Election
SHDH Room 211
Agenda / Minutes

January 18, 2023:
Special Election
Meyerson Hall B1
Agenda / Minutes

February 1, 2023:
Meyerson Hall B1
Agenda / Minutes

February 15, 2023:
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

March 1, 2023:
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

March 15, 2023:
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

March 29, 2023:
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

April 12, 2023:
Transition Meeting
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

April 19, 2023:
Special Meeting
Agenda / Minutes

April 26, 2023:
Provisional Budget Presentation
Wharton JMHH 370
Agenda / Minutes

Bills in the 44th General Assembly 

Resolutions in the 44th General Assembly 

GA Minutes in the 44th General Assembly 

A note on the symbols for minutes:
GA/44/MIN/<the meeting number in the year>/-
-/Pro.1 is the original draft minutes (sent out by logistics after the meeting)
-/Corr.1/Pro.1 are proposed corrections
-/Corr.1 are adopted (by the GA) corrections
-/Corr.2/Pro.1 are further proposed corrections
unsuffixed is the latest adopted minutes