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Benjamin Truong

Chair for Professional Students

School of Dental Medicine

Benjamin Truong is a 4th year dental student at Penn. He grew up in Phoenix, AZ and obtained a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences and B.A. in French at the University of Arizona. At Penn Dental, he is also serves as Vice President of their Executive Student Council as well as a participating member of the American Student Dental Association. This is his second year being involved in GAPSA, previously serving as a General Assembly representative last year. In his spare time, Ben enjoys running along the Schuylkill River, eating at different restaurants all around Philly and playing with his dog Blizzard.

Fun fact: After graduating from Penn, Ben will serve as a dentist in the Air Force. 

If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Benjamin at gapsa.prof@gmail.com.