
Sumit Karn

Director of External Affairs

Graduate School of Education

Sumit Karn is an incoming M.S.Ed. candidate (International Educational Development) at the Graduate School of Education. As a newly appointed Director of External Affairs, Sumit hopes to foster a deeper relationship with local, state, and federal policymakers and non-government agencies while advocating for members of the graduate and professional student body at the University of Pennsylvania.  

A former Fulbright scholar, Sumit completed his BA in Strategic Communication at Washington State University. He brings the experience of advocating for over 30,000 students across the WSU campus system on a range of issues including state need grants expansion and mental health support as the Director of Legislative Affairs for Associated Students of Washington State University (Everett).

Sumit also serves as the board member of Leadership Snohomish County. He has worked and collaborated with institutions like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary International, United Way, etc. India’s largest media publication house, Dainik Jagran, mentioned him as one of the top change-makers of India, and Washington’s Herald Business Journal recognized him as one of the Emerging Leaders of Snohomish County. Since May 2016, Sumit has been working with Steps Toward Independence, an agency of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, receiving the 2016 and 2018 Exceptional Work Ethic Award for his exemplary work with mentally and physically disabled youth in Snohomish County.

If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Sumit at gapsa.external@gapsa.upenn.edu.