Gaurav Shukla, President
Gaurav Shukla was a second year student in the Masters of Medical Physics(MMP) program for the duration of his time on the Executive Board. He grew up in Lucknow, India and first came to Penn for his Bachelor’s degree in the College of Arts and Sciences and graduated in 2014 with majors in Physics & Astronomy and Philosophy.
Before joining GAPSA, he served as the Vice President of Technology for Pan-Asian American Graduate Student Association and as his department’s representative on the School of Arts and Sciences Government (SASGov) from 2015-2016. He was also a Graduate Associate in Riepe College House from 2015-2017.
As GAPSA President, he represented the graduate and professional student body on the University Council Steering, Consultative Committee for the Provost search, Trustee Committee on Student Life, Academic Policy and Budget Committee, Jed Committee, CCTV Monitoring Committee, Speaker Advisory Group and a variety of other university bodies.
After graduating in May 2017, he will be joining the Radiation Oncology Department in Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA as a Medical Physics Resident.
Gaurav is excited to serve Penn’s graduate students and continue his involvement with GAPSA. If you are a graduate or professional student with questions, concerns, or looking to get involved, you may contact Gaurav at and connect on LinkedIn.