Rosario Jaime, Chair for Student Life
Ph.D Candidate, Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing
M.S., Nursing, Columbia University
B.S., Nursing, Columbia University
B.S. Biology: Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, University of California Davis
Rosario Jaime-Lara is GAPSA's 2017-2018 Chair for Student Life. Rosario is a fourth year doctoral student in the School of Nursing. While at Penn, Rosario has also served as a Graduate Associate for the Penn Women in Leadership Residential Program at WARE College House and is currently a Graduate Associate for the Culture Collectives: International Residential Program at Harnwell College House.
As the Chair for Student Life, her goals for the 2017-18 school year include leading initiatives and collaborations with organizations that promote mental and wellness (including- CAPS Student Advisory Board, Penn Wellness, Penn Rec, and the Graduate Student Center). She also hopes to work closely with the IDEAL Committee to promote diversity and inclusivity initiatives.
When she is not studying or in lab, Rosario loves to paint, draw, spend time with her residents, and RUN. If you are interested in running with Rosario and other graduate students, make sure to join the Penn Grad Run Club!
Fun Fact: Rosario ran her first full marathon last year.
If you have additional comments or suggestions about graduate student life, please do not hesitate to contact Rosario at