Deputy Director of Programming Administration
Elly Choi
Penn Dental Medicine
Programming Division
Elly Choi, a second-year dental student at Penn Dental Medicine, is a member of the 7-Year Accelerated Bio-Dental Program. Elly is from South Korea and also lived in Vancouver, Canada. She serves as Deputy Director of Programming Administration for the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly. She is passionate about clinical and laboratory research to give patients the best care possible. In her spare time, she loves exploring coffee shops and restaurants, watching movies, and working at the library as a circulation desk attendant.
Tell us one sentence about what brought you to GAPSA
What brought me to GAPSA is the welcoming community of student leaders and the chance to get involved in organizing and spearheading student events.
Give a brief blurb about your position and high-level goals for the year
As a part of the programming division, my roles include administration of programming events and organizing monthly expenditures. My goals for the year include fostering connections between students and ensuring inclusive programming.
If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Elly at