Robert Watson
Penn Carey Law School
Robert Blake Watson is a third-year law student at the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law. He holds a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Education Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he served as the UCLA Student Body President, and is a native of Kentucky. Within the law school, Robert served as Social Chair for Lambda, the Law School's official LGBTQ affinity organization, and served on Penn Law's Journal of Law and Social Change. Robert is a proud recipient of the National Stamps Leadership Scholarship and received a merit-based scholarship from Penn's Graduate School of Education to receive a dual-degree Masters in Education Policy.
As President, Robert’s goal is to revamp campus advocacy initiatives among graduate students. His goals center on spreading information regarding GAPSA and campus resources and ensuring a renewed relationship between GAPSA and administration amidst significant personnel changes.
Tell us one sentence about what brought you to GAPSA
The desire to leave an impact on graduate student life at Penn!
Give a brief blurb about your position and high-level goals for the year
As President, I steer the ship for GAPSA to ensure the long-term sustainability of our goals, platforms, programming, and advocacy efforts.
If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Robert at