Director of Wellness
Jason Werre
Penn Carey Law School
Advocacy Division
I'm a second-year law student at Penn Carey Law, interested in regulatory and compliance matters. Outside of school, I love staying active (running/cycling/lifting), anything with live music, and improv comedy.
Tell us one sentence about what brought you to GAPSA
I wanted to help bring students from each of Penn's graduate and professional schools together to feel like a part of the Penn community as one, while at the same time advocating for our community's interests.
Give a brief blurb about your position and high-level goals for the year
As Wellness Director, I aim to maintain strong communication with administration for transparency on addressing ongoing wellness concerns, spread visibility and awareness of Penn's wealth of wellness opportunities and initiatives, and work to eliminate any existing barriers to achieving mental, physical, and spiritual health for all students.
If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Jason at