Deputy Director of Technology

Ravisara (Ning) Wattana

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)


Operations Division

Ravisara or Ning is a 3rd year Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering from Bangkok, Thailand. She enjoys meeting new people and working with others at Penn to build a strong, supportive, and fostering community. She currently serves as one of the Dean's Doctoral Diversity Board members to be a sounding board for diversity support in SEAS. In 2021, she served as a co-president for the Materials Graduate Organization (MatGO) to support and strengthen the MSE grad student body while holding a Graduate Life Fellow, where she got to engage and create activities for the whole of Penn Graduate students. Her research focuses on the rheology and clogging studies of filamentous colloids in the Osuji lab. 

Tell us one sentence about what brought you to GAPSA

People at Penn have motivated and inspired me significantly in these past few years, so I hope to contribute more to the Penn community in return, and  GAPSA is such a great place to put myself and throw my efforts into!

Give a brief blurb about your position and high-level goals for the year

As the Deputy Director of Technology, my major work is maintaining this website, but more importantly, I hope to assist GAPSA in anything to support our students. Please let me know if you ever want to suggest anything on the website or would like to be featured with us:)

If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Ning at