Director of External Affairs

Xinyi Wang

Annenberg School for Communication


Advocacy Division

I am a third year PhD student at Annenberg School for Communiation and the external affairs director this year. My research understands how people's media impacts wellbeing. In my past two years at GAPSA, I served on Research Council as a student representative of my school and got to learn a lot about the inner operations and how GAPSA works as the official graduate student government. I am very excited to direct the external affairs division this year under advocacy to explore how resources outside of Penn can help with graduate student experiences. In my free time, I enjoy doing yoga and binge watching drama shows!

Tell us one sentence about what brought you to GAPSA

What brought me is the connectedness within GAPSA!

Give a brief blurb about your position and high-level goals for the year

As the external affairs director, I am interested in connecting organizations and communities outside of Penn to advocate for graduate student needs and connect them to other parts of the advocacy division.

If you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share about GAPSA, please do not hesitate to contact Xinyi at